Luminous sunrise
Acrylic and flow acrylic on canvas, float-frame
61 x 122 cm
When I painted this work, we were living in Mount Isa, in North West Queensland, Australia. It was my first experience living and working in the outback, and it was incredibly different from where I used to live, as I am a city girl born and raised in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. I didn't have any clue how it was going to be! But I loved it! I loved nature, the weather, the culture, the connection between people and nature, and friendship! It was just a magical time that made me live slowly! For the first time in my life, I didn't have to use public transport or take long walks in the city since it was so hot and the city was tiny.
We were in the middle of the desert, so we were far away from the ocean, but we had the most mesmerizing sunrise and sunset etched in my mind. So I couldn't resist painting this unforgettable experience. These landscapes were a part of my solo exhibition that took place at the Mount Isa Regional Art Gallery, called EARTHPEOPLE. It's my way of interpreting the deep bond we share with the earth and each other —a connection that became abundantly clear during my time in Mount Isa.